Lead Tutors
Andrea Nundy-Mala B.A (Hons) M.A RDMP, ČAP
Ing. Jana Spinarova Dusbabkova M.A BC-DMT
My colleague and I run a 4.5 year international dance movement psychotherapy (DMT) training program which follows the guidelines of ADTA, ADMP and EADMT.
Our dance movement psychotherapy (DMT) training program is currently based in Prague and is in both Czech and English language. The program is location free and can be taken to other countries in Europe, since both lead tutors have extensive experience as dance movement psychotherapists and teachers of DMT.
We have an excellent team of international tutors who are experts in their fields from the UK, US, Czech Republic and Germany. The program is a combination of theory, self-experience, supervision and work placements which enable students to have a solid theoretical grounding, strong self reflexive awareness, plus the confidence to start practice after they finish the program.
Our mission is to develop DMT though offering high quality, accredited training programs. Programs are directed at developing a theoretical and practical understanding of the students’ body awareness, movement preferences and patterns of interacting. Students are exposed to theory and self-experiential learning to encourage them to be self-reflexive, culturally sensitive, aware of difference, and be able to articulate themselves using a non judgemental language. The students will have the opportunity to express, explore and reflect on the dance movement therapy process directly. We appreciate that theoretical connections will emerge from the students experience and space will be given to explore these within an educational rather than therapeutic framework.
Our intention is to create dance movement psychotherapists who have robust psychotherapeutic knowledge which informs their body, the bodies of their clients and the joint story in the therapeutic relationship.
New Training
No expected date at present, pre-workshops will be advertised on here and on our FB page.
For more info http://www.expresivniterapie.org/vycvik
FB: Dance Movement Therapy Training; https://www.facebook.com/dancetherapytraining/
FB Spolek expresivních terapií; https://www.facebook.com/Spolek-expresivních-terapií-737370379761960/
Contact expresivni.terapie@gmail.com
If interested, please send your CV and motivation letter in Czech and English